Back in Business

by Jeff Skinner

I have to apologize for the lack of posts during the past weeks on Links Life Golf.  I have been dealing with some health issues that kept me from having any sense of a normal life.  It has been a rough six weeks but I am in the recovery stage now and I am counting the days until I can tee it up again.  Being unable to play golf for six weeks and pain just about every day isn’t any fun at all.  But there is light at the end of the tunnel now and I should be able to get back to regular posts just in time for the U.S. Open.

So thanks for your understanding and let’s hope that this week at Olympic can live up to all the hype.



  1. Sorry to hear you have been unwell Jeff and I wish you a speedy recovery. I enjoy your posts and miss them. Many blessings. Diann

  2. Thanks Diann, glad to hear it. Some crazy US open isn’t it!

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